What is Employment Branding and what role does it play in attracting talent?


By: Chiara Ortiz 

General Manager of Talent Hub


El Employment Branding es el término en inglés, para hablar de la estrategia para construir la imagen o marca de una empresa.

Es bien sabido que una compañía que sea bien reconocida como un buen empleador, es algo que va a afectar favorablemente en la percepción que tengan los clientes de la misma; aquí el objetivo final no son los clientes, sino los empleados.

We could say then, that Employment Branding is the strategy to make a company attractive, that can attract good talent and retain it over time.

This is why we can see the importance of the Human Resources area in an organization; it is the link between the company and the employees.

Ahora, claro está, que este concepto requiere la participación de todos los demás departamentos que conforman la empresa.

El “Employment Branding” es algo que tiene que ser trabajado, desde las publicaciones de las vacantes, la forma de interactuar con los candidatos, lo que se ofrece, los diferentes beneficios a los empleados, a parte del salario, entre otras.

Lo principal es que la empresa sea percibida por los mismos empleados, como un lugar bueno para trabajar.

Of course, this is not something that can be implemented and measured overnight, it is a long-term project, where the values on which the business is focused must be established and defined, but it is not something impossible to achieve, it can be planned, developed and structured.

And here it is important to evaluate the aspects that must be analyzed and worked on in this concept, aspects that I will now list:

  1. The strategy must be planned. The state of the entire organization must be analyzed, the steps to follow must be established, objectives and an action plan must be proposed, all this in terms of branding.
  2. The company's presence in social networks must be taken care of.
  3. Take care of the corporate image and values.
  4. Take care of the internal talent, the employees; offering them benefits that may be attractive to them.

Now, how will all this benefit a company? Well, it should be noted that the benefits are many, more loyal and grateful employees who will perform better in their jobs, in addition to reducing staff turnover, which ultimately brings costs to the company and even problems of information leakage among others, all that entails the constant entry and exit of workers.

Las personas son el recurso más valioso de cualquier compañía, ya que tus empleados son la voz de su empresa, son los mejores embajadores, ellos hablaran de la cultura interna, y el ambiente que se vive día tras día dentro de la misma.

Un empleado feliz no solo rendirá más en sus labores, sino que será un corresponsal que hablará bien de su lugar de trabajo, de la empresa.

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